November 15th, 2009 was the day we took Lilja home. It became one of the most amazing days of our lives.. this little girl with curly black hair and dark eyes captivated our hearts the moment we laid eyes on her.. Please join us in watching Lilja grow, smile or just making our day.. hopefully she will make yours too.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Lilja meet sprinkler, sprinkler meet Lilja
p.s this is a great way for mommy to work in the garden...I loved that...
Lilja meet hamburger, hamburger meet Lilja..
grasshopper meet Lilja, Lilja meet Grasshopper
Thursday, July 28, 2011
watering the plants
Robin is Ellen Degeneres
Sunday, July 24, 2011
the first popsicle
she is growing
Lilja is really starting to look like a toddler.. her torso is straightening out and her belly is getting leaner.. she is however still a little peanut..
p.s another tooth came out last night.. That's why this picture was so serious.. Hopefully this is the start of all the other ones coming through too.. I guess it is good that they are coming in so late..a dentist was telling me they are not as exposed as the earlier teeth.. Plus this time she could tell me she had an owee in her tooth and that she needed some medicine.. smart cookie!! Probably the only child that likes to take medicine ;)
Sunday, July 17, 2011
the Bookstore in Torrey, Utah
On Daddy's shoulders, she is getting the hang of it.. however, she still tries to hold on to his ears..
Torrey, Utah
This is the panoramic view of Capitol Reef. Just absolutely gorgeous..
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
45 Years!!

Monday, July 11, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
getting bigger..
Friday, July 8, 2011
The pool
I just can't help myself with the big smiles.. I love this girlie girl!!