Aran has been training for ther annual iron Horse Classic, a weekend full of races Saturday the race from Durango to Silverton, Sunday the Criterium and Monday the time trial. Aran best friend Matt came down with his wife Jacci and their two daughters, Eleanor and Alice. Lilja hasknown them since she was born and she was really looking forward to seeing them again. This time, as Matt and I talked about it, Lilja could hold her own a bit more and so the weekend was more relaxing for the momma ;) they had so much fun.. jumping on beds, playing and running everywhere. Right now Lilja is having the longest nap as they left this mornig.. she is pooped!! OK back to the weekend.
Lilja and I left 5:30 AM for Silverton, as the road closes early and you can not get to Silverton after that.. Remember, last year Lilja and I slept in Ouray. But this year I felt, we would do OK leaving early.. Lilja is getting bigger and easier to take wth me. She did great, besides telling me :" Momma, I need to sleep more" Well, we got to Silverton and met my friend Molly and her daughter in law there at a coffee place.. relaxing coffee and yummie sweets.. And then Jacci and the girls arrived, Lilja was sooo excited to see them, so cute to see!! Then it was time for Aran to arrive.and eventhough his knee has been hurt for the last past month, he beat his time form last year!!! Way to go Honey!! Then Matt joined the arrival and he too beat his time!! Everyone was happy all around!!.
waiting for jacci and the girls to arrive.. we found a playground and Lilja is getting a little more daring.. |
The two girls |
Alice, Lilja and Eleanor.. look at those smiles.. they were truly happy to see eachother. |
Daddy arrived.. He is the one on the left in black!! Way to go Honey, we are so proud of you. |
No momma, I am not calling Holland... |
Our little monkey!! she was copying Eleanor!! |
Wow, there is a true monkey!! |
Paul, a friend of matt, Aran and Matt after the race.. The wind was blowing 60 miles an hour with sunshine.. we had dust and sand in our teeth.. |
Next morning.. Eleanor was a very cute playmate for Lilja..
The girls left this morning to go and see their grandparents, but just want to say,
We had a great time.. Thanks guys for playing with Lilja so sweetly!! |
Next day, the criterium.. Aran in black and Matt is right behind him in the white and red helmet. |
Aran was ahead for three rounds, then it got really hard!! |
Trying to keep up!! |
Go Matt Go!! |
the best little fan ever!! Hmmm,Matt might disagree, as Eleanor was pretty good last year!! |
Where did Daddy go?? |
Criterium DONE!!! |
We are so proud of you!! way to go!!
Tommorrow... time trial.. |