6 years ago our lives changed drastically .. on veteran's day 2009 we got the call that Jasmin had chosen us to hopefully adopt her little baby girl. We were ecstatic, cautious, scared and elated. We have never felt all these emotions at once and probably never will. We had lost a little one after a month and ofcourse we were raw with emotions, but at a certain point you have to look into the future instead of in the past. Here was a birthmom that wanted to meet us. And we were ready to meet her. . On saturday November 14th 2009 we met jasmin and talked to her for a long time , gauging eachother to see if we would be a good match for her and her little girl . We really wanted an open adoption as we felt that was important for the baby we would adopt and for our family and so you really want to make sure that this mom would be a match into your family for life . And jasmin was amazing and beautiful and sweet and was willing to be involved in her baby girls life as long as lilja needed her . Two hours later we met lilja. wow, this little girl with a full head of hair was following our ever move and we fell in love at first sight . The placement ceremony was the next day, so very emotional. After some beautiful exchanges between jasmin and us and a promise to be there for lilja as a triangle of love, we said our " see you soon" and took Lilja home . We could not wish for a more involved birthmom and we have been lucky to also have met lilja's birthdad three years later. People tell you not to say that lilja is a lucky girl, because she has gone through some grief early in life. But i feel when I look at lilja's triangle of love around her.. she is lucky; to have us, her birthmom, birthdad, mimi, her grandparents, aunts and uncles , all so involved.. she is lucky.. and so are we .
Beautiful Jasmin |
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