Sunday, January 29, 2017

Pip the model

So lilja was having Pip sit still on a stool to draw him. Too cute and he was a willing participant. The end result was very cute , including his new peacock collar.  An artist is born !

Fun weekend videos

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Monday, January 23, 2017

Fun videos

Puppy class

Lilja and I are going to puppy class with Pip. Lilja is doing great and Pip is the star student . He is already learning sit, come and trying to lay down. Great job lilja !!

More fun

My friend ingrid threw me a belated birthday party. It involved our daughter sledding behind a four wheeler and lots of enchiladas..what an experience for lilja !! The kids would not stop until they were completely frozen, literally !
The end result of lots of sledding in snow and mud 

Notice she is completely covered in snow !this was the second round . We were smarter abd put a hat on her.

Aubri and lilja holding on for dear life, loving it . Lilja wanted aran to go faster 

Because of the strange winter there is mud under the snow . They made new tracks the second time which puts more snow in the kids faces 

Finally some snow 

Monday, January 16, 2017

Fun weekend !!

We had a great weekend ! Lots of cross country skin and a sleepover at our house . So fun..

skiing today in the snow . The girls wanted to ski all by themselves, so they went the classic track way and I staid on the skate track. I could see them and they can't go anywhere..but still kind of far ...all by themselves. Then lilja shoyts" mom does it feel like I am 17 now ?" .. uhhhmm yep!! 

Pip and lilja are really becoming buddies. He follows her around  like a little...puppy ! ; )

Maddie joined us on our walk. They were trooper as getting g to the river was pretty deep snow. 

This was my breakfast date this morning ..Love that smile ..get some teeth already girlie !# 

Always watching !

Aubri and lilja always have the giggles. Love to see lilja have such different friends . Aubri is definitely her best friend I think and she gets along with her the best . So Fun To Have her For a sleepover.  Easy piecy!

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Skiing 2017!!

Today lilja and I went by ourselves to go skiing . It was great snow and I think aran will be jealous !! We brought her poles this time . She has skied without them till now to build up her balance . Well, she loved it and did great !!