Is she 9 already !! Where does the time go . Lilja has had kind of an up and down year this year. Lots of challenges and triumphs and traveling and stay home days . She is a very determined young lady who works hard on finding self confidence during her horseback riding . I can say lilja is probably the silliest girl I know , she has her own humor and a very good one !! She is very smart , loves to read , loves her friends and adores her family . I am so proud of this girlie girl.
I set up a Halloween party with two of my friends this year . So much fun to see her in her classroom with all her friends around her . |
The pictures are not in order but this was one of her special birthday gifts. Her own pocket knife !! Here she is cutting through the paper to see how sharp it is ! |
Birthday dinner !! Such a big girl ! |