Aran had to do a presentation for the Chama Peak Landowners Association and it was held at the Chama Lodge.. Lilja was allowed to come, but when I saw the website, there was no way a little 14 month old would be a good companion in a hoitytoity place like this.. so it became Aran and I's first overnight date.. and wow!! what an amazing place.. beautiful rooms (with our name tag on the door) wonderful food.. steak and a fish called Baramundi.. and a great presentation by Aran.. after the presentation, the bar was open and 5 of us just sat and enjoyed some yummy drinks.. We haven't done that in a loooong time..
Ohhh, you are wondering about Lilja?? she stayed with Robin, Freddy and Shannon and had a great time.. no sadness, just fun, talking up a storm, laughing and sleeping good.. she even slept till 6:45 am for them.. Lucky them.. we picked her up at noon on Saturday and she just looked like she had a blast.. Yeah!!! here's to the next overnight in 14 months.. ;) actually Opa and Oma already offered to do an overnight when we are in Holland in March... looking forward to it.. so here are some photos of our B&B..
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