OK, there are many theories about potty training and I must have read most of them through out my years of nannying and being a preschool teacher. But when it is going to happen to your own child the theories go out the window. I really wanted to potty train Lilja in the "2 day method" this weekend. She is such a smart cookie that I thought she would catch on pretty fast. However, Aran's thoughts about driving to Denver the next weekend and not wanting to stop every hour put a damper on that idea. But every thing happens for a reason. I'll explain. So I thought, because I (yes I said I) was so ready for this weekend, lets still do just a little bit. Get her used to the pull-ups and her two piece jammies (easier to go potty than the onesies)
and start her going on the potty.. Thursday night we started with the jammies.. Lilja did not want to have anything to do with them.. eventhough they were Dora jammies (her favorite).. she was pretty sad, but we talked to her and after a while she was fine.. Friday morning we started her out to go on the potty right after she woke up.. well... you get the picture.. So i think she is actually needing this slowing down a bit and needs to get used to a new schedule. it is now two days later and Lilja has completely embraced going potty. she has gone twice poop in the potty, but no pee yet.. Lots of stickers for trying..

p.s we have a little potty, but Lilja chose to go on the big potty from the start.. why change..
Lilja and our art work, we all did this poster together.. lots of balloons!!!
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