Well, our x-mas morning has passed..Lilja did great, besides getting up twice in the night.. must have been the excitment of waiting for Santa to come..
Aran and I got Lilja one big gift, her very first doll house. it is almost just as big as she is ;) she played with it almost the whole morning.. i bought some extra furniture with it, including a toilet.. well, she had that baby on the toilet A LOT (Lilja is almost completely potty trained, just at night she still needs some help from the diapers)

Go Potty and get a sticker!!!

Perfect size for Lilja!!

Then a lamby came out of a box.. Thanks Uncle Eddy, Aunt dara and Livy and Ries for this cute pillow and blanket.. she has been snuggling with it already..

It is a pillow wrapped around a blanket.. clever.. I think this will go with us to holland for travels..

Another favorite toy was from Tae, a whole cutting board with vegetables to cut.. very cool.
Thank you Aunt Margaret, Uncle Hansi and cousin Tae..!!.

Then it was time for Momma to clean up!!! so daddy and Lilja went sledding in the backyard..

Lilja is really not afraid .. i think she is going to love the winters here, skiing and sledding , she just has to be a little bigger for her own skies..

We found Lilja's sunglasses and they still fit!!.

Look no hands!! actually it was a "cheese!!"

she is nice and warm, with boots, gloves and jacket on.. ready for more snow!!

Dear family and friends, Merry x-mas to all of you. Thank you for all the wonderful gifts, sweet cards, skype times and phone calls.. See you next year!!
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