So it has been two weeks of Lilja in school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and me working those full days . We are both adjusting pretty good, besides being pretty tired when we get home. First Lilja and I had a lot of mommy daughter tea parties, but they have turned into Movie times with yummy popcorn on the days when I teach 10 classes... yes, I said ten!! Lilja is loving school, she loves the playground and her new friends, she is experiences everything I hoped for her.. It was interesting talking to her teachers a couple of days ago. They are very impressed with Lilja ( well, ofcourse, I would think ) but they had some great observations..
*She recognizes her name on a nameplate.. ( ofcourse, because she can write it too) but she also knows everyone else's!! very impressive!!
* She loves learning.. she was eager to get tested and wanted to do more when the teacher was done.. Now what?? she said
*She has her friends she looks forward to seeing, but she also plays with everyone else. Plus she is turning into a leader!!
*Even though she is an only child ( with the stigma that they are very clingy and needy in the classroom) Lilja likes playing with her friends and leaves the teachers alone.
and then the teacher said something that I just want to share with you.. She said " Lilja is one of those kids that just makes you happy" The proud momma was beaming... and beaming some more!!! this all gives me peace of mind that we did the right thing to put her in school one year before her kindergarten.. she is just thriving!!
Here are some random photos and activities we did the last couple of weeks.
Tante Brigitte got us hooked on Playmobil.. How cute is this Koala tree ad bears.. |
Lilja wants to be a Koala veterinarian when she grows up and live in Australia.. Our answer.. Dogreat in school, make good money and take your parents with you :)) |
Oh how she loves swinging. Aran went hunting for 5 days so Lilja and I are on our own.. What did we do the first night.. Pizza and the park!! |
The pigtails are baaaaack!! and her new little smile.. |
no elk yet, but lots of mushrooms.. I guess I can be happy with a mushroom dinner instead of an elk steak.. for the first two weeks.. Now he better come home with some elk!! |
The Ignacio parade was here again.. This time we got some much candy, it is not even funny anymore. What do we teach our kids... to wave to strangers to get candy..Great parenting job mom!! But the candy is soooo guuuud!! |
the drummers were a hit.. they actually were drumming "old mac donald" too funny! |
Maddie, Kara, Kenny (Kara's dad) and Lilja.. waiting patiently for all the candy.. Those bags were full by the end of the parade!! |
So excited!!! |
the four musketeers.. Baby Kate pretending to be a big girl.. |
Looking so cool! Yep she climbed all the way up all by herself.. |
that's how high she was.. |
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