We felt we wanted to celebrate Lilja's first birthday with her birthmom (or Tummy mommy as we call her ) in Denver . So we met Jasmin and her friend Sarah in Cherry Creek at a play area for kids..
First of all.. Wow! what a nice place... second of all, Wow!... how overwhelming.. there must have been at least 50 kids running around everywhere.. Lilja looked so little compared to all the running, jumping and sliding kids..
We started out having little cupcakes with little candles for Jasmin and Lilja to blow out as it is also Jasmin's first birthday for Lilja.. As you can see, they had a great time together.. Jasmin is so sweet and gentle, we really enjoyed spending time with her and Sarah.

By now Lilja really got the hang of it and smeared it everywhere.. poor Jasmin..

Lilja got her first little Tutu from Jasmin.. , maybe now she will be a future ballerina. It was so cute, she just crawled everywhere with it on.. She also got a cute little book about an owl.. Funny enough (and these kind of coincidences happen alot between Jasmin and us).. Lilja says "owl" and loves looking for them everywhere..on books, in pictures and around the house.. she even has owls on her plate.. Yesterday she started saying "Hoot, Hoot".. so this little book will be her favorite. Lilja also got a little scarf from Sarah, very fluffy and colorful, she will stay nice and toasty with it around her neck..
Jasmin, thank you for being there on lilja's birthday.. it means a lot to us and we look forward to future visits.. and Sarah, thanks for being there for Jasmin, have a great move!

a couple of photos of the big play area in Cherry Creek mall.. There were all Looney Tunes caricatures .. Lilja surprises me with her independence sometimes.. just going through tunnels and crawling everywhere.. she would check up on me once in a while, but she really likes to be doing it all by herself..

Here Lilja goes down the favorite slide.. Aran is catching her at the bottom, Jasmin and Sarah are watching her slide down.
Thank you for coming up! i was really hoping i would get to spend a little time with her on her birthday, it was absolutely perfect!
ReplyDeletelove you all.
Thank you Jasmin, we would not have had it any other way.. love, nicole and aran