Ok, there are so many to chose from to show you what an amazing and fun time we have had with my family.. here are again some of my favorites:
Lilja recognizes noses in pictures and then loves to point to hers and yours.. smart isn't she?? 
snuggles and kisses from Tante Brigitte..Lilja knows the sign for "Bird" which is opening and closing her fingers like a beak... so we decided to go feed the ducks at the pond.. this is not just feeding one or two lonely birds.. no...
40-50 ducks, geese and seagulls came and devowered all the bread we had.. Lilja's eyes were as big as saucers, and kept signing "bird". When she woke up from her nap after that experience, the first thing she did is sign 'bird" and kept signing it... lots, lots of birds.. she must have dreamt about them.
My parents were impressed by Lilja's quick learning and loved watching her figure things out. They had great toys that challenged her.

Love all pictures! She sures brings alot of smiles to many faces! x