Ok, today was Lilja's first day of school. I would have loved to have waited one more year until Kindergarten, but Lilja was oh so ready for it. Let's just say , she was leading my Tumbling Tots classes and would get upset if I did not sing one of her favorite songs.. Arguing with a 4 year old in my class is not the ideal situation. so... here it goes, her first day of school of the rest of her life.. She did amazing.. We got her clothes and lunch box ready the night before and Lilja was very particular in what she wanted to wear. Her Minnie mouse dress, her snowflake leggings and best of all her "light-up" shoes. We had to wake her up as we had a busy day the day before, but she was so excited from the minute she woke up. Aran also came with us, so it was a family affair. we were ready at 7:30.. and waited, drove slow and almost even got coffee as we were ready way to early.. we were the second ones there and followed all the protocol of cubbies, signing in and saying goodbye.. Lilja gave us big hugs, kisses and blew us some kisses for us to save for later just incase we were missing her and then... we walked away. No tears, just an empty feeling and a feeling of hope that she is having a great time. Forward to 3 o'clock.. I was holding myself back to pick her up early. Mind you, I do not have to work till September so this is going to be interesting.. Time?? what time? for myself.. Noooo. so I went to the classroom and talked to the teacher for a little bit.. Ms Penny: 'she is so sweet and polite. You can see you have worked with her, she is so confident, smart and such a happy girl. I WAS BEAMING!!! Yep, the first day was an success. The only thing is that she is the only one that is a non-napper.. Oh well, if that is the only thing..
I told Lilja the story about when I was younger and my mom would be ready with tea and cookies when we got home. And that I wanted to do the same.. Lilja's face was beaming too. So we got home, baked cookies ( yes, we made them from scratch.. just throwing a little extra in there) and talked about her day.. it was so fun to hear her talk so excitingly about her school. We made the right choice. Lilja's favorite thing of the day? Playing outside and learning a lot about apples.. enjoy the school girl pictures.
proud momma |
proud daddy |
unfortunately she did not need this beautiful backpack.. they made their own totebags in class. but I know we will get some good use out of it somehow. |
here she goes!!! Lunchbox ala tante Brigitte!! |
Ms Danielle and Ms Penny. They are such sweet teachers. Very nurturing and calm. Lilja said she loves Ms Penny ( the blonde one) the most because she teaches her stuff. Good girl.. gravitating towards people that will expand your mind..even if it is about apples. |
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